Wednesday, August 29, 2007


who here saw the luna rossa?

If you didn't here's a picture of it right here.

when did you see it i saw it at about 10:00 and it was awesome. But the bottom left side was black to me! was it for you??

here is a great link with info for the luna rossa

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


My Daemon is a chinchilla

They live in:burrows or crevices in rocks

They are agile jumpers and can jump very high, up to 5 feet.

In the wild chinchillas have been observed eating plants, fruits, seeds, small insects and cheese (YAY.)

In nature, chinchillas live in colonies. Chinchilla females are significantly bigger than males. Chinchillas can breed any time of the year.

chinchillas are born fully furred and with eyes open. Litters are usually small in number, mainly twins.